Практический семинар Tekla Structures 2017

Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements

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Сообщения: 13
Регистрация: 13 мар 2013, 15:36

Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements

Сообщение engineer69 » 11 ноя 2013, 02:12

Hi guys, does anybody have some information about thin-walled cold-formed sections for built-up steel columns? The use of thin-walled cold-formed sections for built-up steel columns, calculation features?
normal cross-sections.png
Normal cross-sections look like this:
normal cross-sections.png (37.96 КБ) 3824 просмотра
built-up cross-sections.png
But I need methodology of built-up cross-sections, for example:
built-up cross-sections.png (65.45 КБ) 3824 просмотра

Аватара пользователя
Таран Д. А.
Сообщения: 2875
Регистрация: 30 ноя 2011, 18:41
Откуда: г. Москва
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Re: Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements

Сообщение Таран Д. А. » 12 ноя 2013, 16:55

Such profiles are used in Russia.
For calculation in Russia are no rules. You can calculate on the Eurocode.

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