Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements
- Сообщения: 13
- Регистрация: 13 мар 2013, 15:36
Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements
Hi guys, does anybody have some information about thin-walled cold-formed sections for built-up steel columns? The use of thin-walled cold-formed sections for built-up steel columns, calculation features?
- Таран Д. А.
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 2875
- Регистрация: 30 ноя 2011, 18:41
- Откуда: г. Москва
- Контактная информация:
Re: Built-up steel columns of thin-walled elements
Such profiles are used in Russia.
For calculation in Russia are no rules. You can calculate on the Eurocode.
For calculation in Russia are no rules. You can calculate on the Eurocode.
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