Практический семинар Tekla Structures 2017

Built-up steel colum section

Определение и изменение сечений в Robot Structural Analysis
Сообщения: 13
Регистрация: 13 мар 2013, 15:36

Built-up steel colum section

Сообщение engineer69 » 19 июн 2013, 19:26

Hi, need some help...How to do built-up column section in Robot? I can't find any built-up sections in database. How then to draw this section if column is laced from both sides of the chords? Lines do not intersect..I think calculations won't be done if every line isn't connected..Can someone help? What is the solution? Has anybody ever done a built-up column in Robot?
built-up column.png

Сообщения: 22
Регистрация: 22 янв 2012, 13:40
Откуда: Оренбург

Re: Built-up steel colum section

Сообщение Илья » 28 июн 2013, 08:44

Your column robot simply does not compute, as there are separate elements. Braces do not need to paint, they are calculated after the calculation of the branches of the column separately. The Russian database has almost every section of the elements, so 100% of the composite section should be on your European base. About the calculation of such columns written in detail in the help for the word "connection zones."
Последний раз редактировалось Илья 28 июн 2013, 16:21, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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